I am so very excited to share my new and improved website with you all! I’ve been working on this project for almost 6 months, and the big day is finally here!
What you’ll find on my new website
I was inspired to build a new site for two main reasons.
First, the old site had begun to feel a little stale and was in need of a brand refresh. As you peruse the new site, you’ll notice that a new logo, new fonts, and entirely new design.

Rainbow Plant Life is about vibrancy and fun, and it was important to me that the look and feel of the site reflected that.
Second, and more importantly, the old site did not deliver a great experience to you, the readers. To highlight but just a few improvements you’ll find here:
- A jump-to-recipe button on each page makes it easier for you to go right to the recipe if you want to skip over my ramblings. Of course, you should always read my ramblings because that’s where I pack in useful general and recipe-specific cooking tips.
- Each recipe will have a print button, making it easier for you to, well, print the recipes. The old site did not allow for this. We’re still in the process of adding this to every page (more on that below), but it will be a big help.
- Search is much easier thanks to better filtering, including dietary filters.
- There’s now a dedicated Lifestyle section of the site. Here, you’ll find resources on cooking, veganism, photography and social media, wellness, productivity, as well as personal posts.
Please keep in mind that migrating a website from Squarespace to WordPress was no easy task. As such, a lot of the migration work was manual.
Given the amount of work involved, not every post is yet fully updated with a printable recipe card, jump-to-recipe button, updated dietary tags, etc. My team has worked really hard to update my top 100 blog posts, so hopefully the post you land on will look perfect(ish). And we will continue to update the rest of the posts over the next few months.
How you can help!
I put so very much time and energy into my content (and particularly into this blog revamp over the past few months) because I want to give you, my lovely readers and followers, the best possible experience. So, if you have a few minutes, I would really appreciate your help in making my site even better!
Leave a star rating on any recipe you’ve made
Apologies for being so gauche, let me explain.
Star ratings help my website because they indicate to Google and other search engines that my recipe is valuable and/or trustworthy. This, in turn, improves the search ranking for that given recipe or blog post, making it more likely that new users will find the recipe and give it a try.
So, if you’ve ever made one of my recipes in the past and enjoyed it, it would mean so much to me if you left a five-star rating.
Leave a comment
You guys know I love to hear from you. While we were able migrate almost all of the comments from the old site to the new site, comments that were left recently (after the migration date ~ November 11, 2020) could not be included.
So, if you recently left a comment on a recipe you love and wish to re-post that comment and give it a star rating, that would also be super!
See something? Say something
There are so many pages and posts to go over (like so many more than I remembered lol). So we haven’t had time to catch every issue that arose during the site migration.
So, if you see something funky, let me know! For example, if a URL appears broken or a page isn’t working or there’s anything else that seems off, please email help@rainbowplantlife.com.
Thank you so much for your help in making this space fun, rewarding, and delicious!

Why I didn’t include nutritional information in my recipes
While I’ve included dietary tags for common allergens and food sensitivities (e.g., gluten-free, soy-free), I deliberately did not include a nutritional facts/calorie counter plugin for a few reasons.
One, I had an eating disorder as a teenager. It wasn’t a severe one, but I was more than obsessed with counting calories and cutting out fat from my diet. Despite being underweight, I still thought I was fat and shamed my body for many years. Counting calories and disordered eating are no longer part of my life, and I certainly don’t want to facilitate that behavior with my content.
Two, if you are interested in calculating the nutrition content in a particular recipe, there are several apps, like My Fitness Pal, that make it easy to do so. Just plug in the ingredients listed in a recipe and calculate from there.
Finally, my focus on health is holistic and balanced. I believe that if you are eating plant-based food and cooking most of your meals at home, you’re already doing really well! And I hope my recipes demonstrate how abundant, rewarding, and delicious a vegan diet and lifestyle can be!

Any other feedback? Drop it down below in the comments. I can’t wait for you to have a peek around the new blog!
I LOVE your Buffalo Chickpea Quesadillas! And, I’m learning so much from your you-tube videos. I’m new to your website and hoping to find which brand and model of kitchen scale you use…..I’ll keep looking, hoping to find it. If you have time, I’d love to hear back from you.
I’m a recent convert to Veganism/Whole Food Plant Based eating (after seeing “The Game Changers” and realizing it was the answer to my life-long health issues. After 3 years of effort and life-style change, I’ve put my asthma inhalers away!
Yay! My new-found health and energy is incredible.
Thank you for being an invaluable resource!
Hi Nancy, so happy to hear you’re such a fan of the recipe and are enjoying the videos :) So awesome to hear you’ve experienced the health benefits from eating a plant-based diet!
Here’s the scale we use: https://amzn.to/3xmNtgm
We hope you keep enjoying the RPL recipes, thanks for the lovely review!
Just made a batch of the protein packed Vegan Breakfast Cookies. They are a real favourite around here and are super easy to make.
Yes you can freeze them and yes you can make a larger batch, the problem is keeping them around!! These are magic cookies, because they disappear really quickly.
Pack them with your lunch for school or work and skip the sugary snacks.
5 stars!!!
Hi Alan, we’re so happy you love the breakfast cookies! Would you mind leaving a rating and star review on the breakfast cookies blog page? Thank you so much :)
Thank you for your note about nutritional information. I completely understand why you don’t list it. I do use MyFitnessPal which helps keep my portions appropriate (otherwise I would eat the entire pot), so I’ll just drop the ingredients in there like I do for other recipes. We both love your passion, sense of fun, and great recipes! Has made our vegan lifestyle so much more interesting.